

Supported Script Types: Interface Scripts • Client Entity Scripts • Avatar Scripts

The Toolbars API provides facilities to work with the system or other toolbar.

See also the Tablet API for use of the system tablet and toolbar in desktop and HMD modes.


Name Return Value Summary
getToolbar ToolbarProxy

Gets an instance of a toolbar. A new toolbar is created if one with the specified name doesn't already exist.


Name Summary

Triggered when the visibility of a toolbar changes.

Method Details

(static) getToolbar( name ) → {ToolbarProxy}
Returns: The toolbar instance.

Gets an instance of a toolbar. A new toolbar is created if one with the specified name doesn't already exist.


Name Type Description
name string

A unique name that identifies the toolbar.

Signal Details

toolbarVisibleChanged( isVisible, toolbarName )
Returns: Signal

Triggered when the visibility of a toolbar changes.


Name Type Description
isVisible boolean

true if the toolbar is visible, false if it is hidden.

toolbarName string

The name of the toolbar.


Briefly hide the system toolbar.

Toolbars.toolbarVisibleChanged.connect(function(visible, name) {
    print("Toolbar " + name + " visible changed to " + visible);

var toolbar = Toolbars.getToolbar("com.highfidelity.interface.toolbar.system");
if (toolbar) {
    toolbar.writeProperty("visible", false);
    Script.setTimeout(function () {
        toolbar.writeProperty("visible", true);
    }, 2000);