

Supported Script Types: Interface Scripts • Client Entity Scripts • Avatar Scripts

The LaserPointers API is a subset of the Pointers API. It lets you create, manage, and visually represent objects for repeatedly calculating ray intersections with avatars, entities, and overlays. Ray pointers can also be configured to generate events on entities and overlays intersected.

Deprecated: This API is deprecated and will be removed. Use Pointers instead.


Name Return Value Summary
createLaserPointer number

Creates a new ray pointer. The pointer can have a wide range of behaviors depending on the properties specified. For example, it may be a static ray pointer, a mouse ray pointer, or joint ray pointer.

Warning: Pointers created using this method currently always intersect at least visible and collidable things but this may not always be the case.

disableLaserPointer None

Disables and hides a pointer. Disabled pointers do not update their pick results or generate events.

editRenderState None

Edits a render state of a pointer, to change its visual appearance for the state when the pointer is intersecting something.

Note: You can only edit the properties of the existing parts of the pointer; you cannot change the type of any part.

Note: You cannot use this method to change the appearance of a default render state.

enableLaserPointer None

Enables and shows a pointer. Enabled pointers update their pick results and generate events.

getPrevRayPickResult RayPickResult

Gets the most recent intersection of a pointer. A pointer continues to be updated ready to return a result, as long as it is enabled, regardless of the render state.

isLeftHand boolean

Checks if a pointer is associated with the left hand: a pointer with joint property set to "_CONTROLLER_LEFTHAND" or "_CAMERA_RELATIVE_CONTROLLER_LEFTHAND".

isMouse boolean

Checks if a pointer is associated with the system mouse: a pointer with joint property set to "Mouse".

isRightHand boolean

Checks if a pointer is associated with the right hand: a pointer with joint property set to "_CONTROLLER_RIGHTHAND" or "_CAMERA_RELATIVE_CONTROLLER_RIGHTHAND".

removeLaserPointer None

Removes (deletes) a pointer.

setIgnoreItems None

Sets a list of entity and avatar IDs that a pointer should ignore during intersection.

setIncludeItems None

Sets a list of entity and avatar IDs that a pointer should include during intersection, instead of intersecting with everything.

setLaserLength None

Sets the length of a pointer.

setLockEndUUID None

Locks a pointer onto a specific entity or avatar.

setPrecisionPicking None

Sets whether or not a pointer should use precision picking, i.e., whether it should pick against precise meshes or coarse meshes. This has the same effect as using the PICK_PRECISE or PICK_COARSE filter flags.

setRenderState None

Sets the render state of a pointer, to change its visual appearance and possibly disable or enable it.

Method Details

(static) createLaserPointer( properties ) → {number}
Returns: The ID of the pointer if successfully created, otherwise 0.

Creates a new ray pointer. The pointer can have a wide range of behaviors depending on the properties specified. For example, it may be a static ray pointer, a mouse ray pointer, or joint ray pointer.

Warning: Pointers created using this method currently always intersect at least visible and collidable things but this may not always be the case.


Name Type Description
properties Pointers.RayPointerProperties

The properties of the pointer, including the properties of the underlying pick that the pointer uses to do its picking.

(static) disableLaserPointer( id )

Disables and hides a pointer. Disabled pointers do not update their pick results or generate events.


Name Type Description
id number

The ID of the pointer.

(static) editRenderState( id, renderState, properties )

Edits a render state of a pointer, to change its visual appearance for the state when the pointer is intersecting something.

Note: You can only edit the properties of the existing parts of the pointer; you cannot change the type of any part.

Note: You cannot use this method to change the appearance of a default render state.


Name Type Description
id number

The ID of the pointer.

renderState string

The name of the render state to edit.

properties Pointers.RayPointerRenderState

The new properties for the render state. Only the overlay properties to change need be specified.

(static) enableLaserPointer( id )

Enables and shows a pointer. Enabled pointers update their pick results and generate events.


Name Type Description
id number

The ID of the pointer.

(static) getPrevRayPickResult( id ) → {RayPickResult}
Returns: The most recent intersection of the pointer.

Gets the most recent intersection of a pointer. A pointer continues to be updated ready to return a result, as long as it is enabled, regardless of the render state.


Name Type Description
id number

The ID of the pointer.

(static) isLeftHand( id ) → {boolean}
Returns: true if the pointer is associated with the left hand, false if it isn't.

Checks if a pointer is associated with the left hand: a pointer with joint property set to "_CONTROLLER_LEFTHAND" or "_CAMERA_RELATIVE_CONTROLLER_LEFTHAND".


Name Type Description
id number

The ID of the pointer.

(static) isMouse( id ) → {boolean}
Returns: true if the pointer is associated with the system mouse, false if it isn't.

Checks if a pointer is associated with the system mouse: a pointer with joint property set to "Mouse".


Name Type Description
id number

The ID of the pointer.

(static) isRightHand( id ) → {boolean}
Returns: true if the pointer is associated with the right hand, false if it isn't.

Checks if a pointer is associated with the right hand: a pointer with joint property set to "_CONTROLLER_RIGHTHAND" or "_CAMERA_RELATIVE_CONTROLLER_RIGHTHAND".


Name Type Description
id number

The ID of the pointer.

(static) removeLaserPointer( id )

Removes (deletes) a pointer.


Name Type Description
id number

The ID of the pointer.

(static) setIgnoreItems( id, ignoreItems )

Sets a list of entity and avatar IDs that a pointer should ignore during intersection.


Name Type Description
id number

The ID of the pointer.

ignoreItems Array.<Uuid>

A list of IDs to ignore.

(static) setIncludeItems( id, includeItems )

Sets a list of entity and avatar IDs that a pointer should include during intersection, instead of intersecting with everything.


Name Type Description
id number

The ID of the pointer.

includeItems Array.<Uuid>

A list of IDs to include.

(static) setLaserLength( id, laserLength )

Sets the length of a pointer.


Name Type Description
id number

The ID of the pointer.

laserLength number

The desired length of the pointer.

(static) setLockEndUUID( id, targetID, isAvatar, offsetopt )

Locks a pointer onto a specific entity or avatar.


Name Type Attributes Description
id number

The ID of the pointer.

targetID Uuid

The ID of the entity or avatar to lock the pointer on to.

isAvatar boolean

true if the target is an avatar, false if it is an entity.

offset Mat4 <optional>

The offset of the target point from the center of the target item. If not specified, the pointer locks on to the center of the target item.

(static) setPrecisionPicking( id, precisionPicking )

Sets whether or not a pointer should use precision picking, i.e., whether it should pick against precise meshes or coarse meshes. This has the same effect as using the PICK_PRECISE or PICK_COARSE filter flags.


Name Type Description
id number

The ID of the pointer.

precisionPicking boolean

true to use precision picking, false to use coarse picking.

(static) setRenderState( renderState, id )

Sets the render state of a pointer, to change its visual appearance and possibly disable or enable it.


Name Type Description
renderState string

The name of the render state to set the pointer to. This may be:

  • The name of one of the render states set in the pointer's properties.
  • "", to hide the pointer and disable emitting of events.
id number

The ID of the pointer.