Supported Script Types: Interface Scripts • Client Entity Scripts • Avatar Scripts
API enables you to access and manipulate avatar, entity, and overlay models in the rendered scene.
This includes getting mesh and material information for applying Material
Name | Return Value | Summary |
boolean |
Checks whether the model for an avatar, entity, or overlay can be updated in the rendered scene. Only avatars,
string |
Exports a model to OBJ format. |
GraphicsModel |
Gets a handle to the model data used for displaying an avatar, 3D entity, or 3D overlay. Note: The model data may be used for more than one instance of the item displayed in the scene. |
GraphicsMesh |
Creates a new graphics mesh. |
GraphicsModel |
Creates a new graphics model from meshes. |
boolean |
Updates the model for an avatar, 3D entity, or 3D overlay in the rendered scene. |
Type Definitions
BufferElementFormat Type: object |
Details of a buffer element's format. Properties
BufferFormat Type: object |
Details of buffer's format. Properties
BufferType Type: Vec4 | Vec3 | Vec2 |
The type of a graphics buffer value as accessed by JavaScript.
BufferTypeName Type: string |
The type name of a graphics buffer.
IFSData Type: object |
IFS (Indexed-Face Set) data defining a mesh. Properties
Material Type: object |
A material in a GraphicsModel. Properties
MaterialLayer Type: object |
A material layer. Properties
MeshExtents Type: object |
The extents of a mesh. Properties
MeshTopology Type: string |
The interpretation of mesh elements.
Method Details
(static) canUpdateModel( id, meshIndexopt, partNumberopt ) → {boolean}
Returns: true if the model can be updated, false if it can't.
Checks whether the model for an avatar, entity, or overlay can be updated in the rendered scene. Only avatars,
ExampleTest whether different types of items can be updated.
(static) exportModelToOBJ( model ) → {string}
Returns: The OBJ format representation of the model. |
Exports a model to OBJ format. Parameters
(static) getModel( id ) → {GraphicsModel}
Returns: The model data for the avatar, entity, or overlay, as displayed. This includes the results of applying any Material entities to the item. |
Gets a handle to the model data used for displaying an avatar, 3D entity, or 3D overlay. Note: The model data may be used for more than one instance of the item displayed in the scene. Parameters
ExampleReport some details of your avatar's model.
(static) newMesh( ifsMeshData ) → {GraphicsMesh}
Returns: The new graphics mesh. |
Creates a new graphics mesh. Parameters
(static) newModel( meshes ) → {GraphicsModel}
Returns: The new graphics model. |
Creates a new graphics model from meshes. Parameters
(static) updateModel( id, model ) → {boolean}
Returns: true if the update was completed successfully, false if it wasn't.
Updates the model for an avatar, 3D entity, or 3D overlay in the rendered scene. Parameters